Psychological barriers for professional sport career


Dr.Sc.Psych.., Professor T.D. Dubovitskaya1
Dr.Sc.Econ., Professor G.M. Romanova1
PhD, Associate Professor I.N. Makarova1
PhD, Associate Professor I.N. Ovsyannikova1
1Sochi State University, Sochi

Objective of the study was to identify differences in the psychological barriers for a professional sport career, including: 1) student sports; 2) applied professional sports; 3) elite sports. Psychological barriers can be a serious obstacle to achieving high sports results.
Methods and structure of research. The authors applied the following research methods: 1) a questionnaire to identify the nature of respondents’ relationships with sports and their athletic achievements; 2) the "Career Anchors" questionnaire by E. Schein (translated and adapted by V. A. Chiker, V. E. Vinokurova) for determining career-related value orientations; 3) an author's questionnaire to identify the athletes’ psychological barriers. Sampled for the study were 106 students of FSBEI HE Sochi State University (aged from 18 to 44 years)..
Results of the study. The students of the elite sports group, as opposed to the athletes of other groups, demonstrated lower values of the following psychological barriers: unwillingness to make own lives more complicated or busier, to waste energy on a mythical result; understanding that success does not justify the efforts spent or means used; understanding that the desired sport goals have been reached, and now there are other values and priorities; understanding that the efforts spent were to no purpose due to a number of external factors (existing rules, traditions, laws, relationships, etc.); insufficient level of professional preparedness/ education; lack of the necessary conditions for success and professional growth in the organization (they work/ study at); unwillingness to hold back on interesting hobbies, various amusements; lack of necessary connections and patronage.
Conclusions. The study made it possible to determine the ways to remove psychological barriers for the professional sport career, carry out the necessary targeted psycho-correctional and psycho-development work.

Keywords: physical education, mass sports, elite sports, psychological barriers, professional career, sport career.


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