Aerobic potential in adolescents with different physical development rates
Dr.Med., Professor A.L. Korepanov1
Dr.Hab., Professor O.N. Golovko1
PhD, Associate Professor S.E. Motornaya1
1Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol
Objective of the study was to conduct a comparative assessment of aerobic potential in adolescent boys with different physical development rates.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved the 13-14 year-old adolescent boys (n=87). Based on the "body length" indicator, the subjects were divided into 3 groups: Group 1 - accelerants (n=26), Group 2 - normodants (n=40), Group 3 - retardants (n=21). The following parameters were measured: body weight and body length, vital capacity (VC), birth-death ratio (BDR) - the ratio of VC to body weight, oxygen utilization (UO2), absolute (O2C) and relative (RO2C) oxygen consumption, absolute (PhD) and relative (RPhD) physical development rates, absolute (MOC) and relative (RMOC) values of maximum oxygen consumption. The subjects’ physical development was assessed in the step test according to V.L. Karpman, oxygen consumption - by means of a gas analysis.
Results of the study. The findings showed that the functional reserves of the oxygen supply system in adolescents depend on their physical development rates.
Conclusion. The greatest adaptation resources were detected in the normodants and retardants, which was confirmed by the higher RPhD and RMOC rates in the normodants and retardants as opposed to the accelerants. The study findings can be used in physiology of sports and sports medicine.
Keywords: adolescents, aerobic potential, physical development, physical working capacity, oxygen consumption.
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