Synergetic approach to formation of integrated specialization for academic elective physical education and sport courseon of integrated specialization for academic elective physical education and sport course


Associate Professor S.V. Khudik1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.S. Bliznevskaya1
Associate Professor A.A. Khudik1
Dr.Hab., Professor A.Yu. Bliznevsky1
1Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk

Objective of the study was to provide the scientific justification of the comprehensive specialization program, including skiing and orienteering for the implementation of the academic Physical Education and Sports curriculum.
Methods and structure of research. At the first stage, the conditions for classes and the necessary material and technical base were determined. To develop the Physical Education and Sports curriculum, the necessary skiing and orienteering skills were identified. For rating tool set, control tests were developed for assess orienteering skills, along with an analysis of the GTO complex materials to use these standards in assessing sports technical skills in skiing in university students as part of the academic discipline.
Results of the study. A curriculum has been developed based on techniques for mastering ski techniques and technical skills for cross-discipline orienteering, for improving skills in these sports. The control test for necessary rating tools were defined and tested meant to assess sports technical orienteering skills (cross disciplines).
Conclusion. The combination in the implementation of the academic Physical Education and Sports curriculum in two sports classes - skiing and orienteering - makes it possible to expand the range of interests of those students who want to practice year-round outdoor activities.

Keywords: Physical Education and Sports discipline, skiing, orienteering, Federal State Educational Standard, rating tool set.


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