Morality as factor in improvement of professional skills of future physical education and sport specialists
Dr.Hab.,Associate Professor L.I. Kostynina1
PhD O.S. Nazarenko1
PhD E.E. Panova1
1Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk
Objective of the study was to develop a model of formation of morality as a factor in improvement of professional skills of future physical education and sport specialists.
Methods and structure of the study. The educational experiment involved the 2nd- and 3rd-year students of the Physical Education and Sport Faculty of FSBEI of HE Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after V.I. Ulyanov (n=36), who made up the Control and Experimental Groups, 18 students each. The Control Group subjects were trained according to the traditional physical education program. In the Experimental Group, the training process in the sport disciplines and professional-pedagogical sports skills perfection process were focused on the formation of personal qualities as required by the orientation of future professional activity.
Results of the study. We developed a model of formation of morality of future physical education and sport specialists; disclosed the contents of its main components. The results of expert evaluation of the students' personal and business qualities during the preparation for the role playing games and participation in them showed that the Experimental Group subjects had a higher level of formation of the leading personal qualities, organizational and pedagogical skills. The results of the educational experiment testified to the effectiveness of the model as applied to the process of training of the students of the Physical Education and Sport Faculty.
Conclusion. The search for the ways to effectively control professional becoming of graduates of the Physical Education and Sport Faculty should be viewed in conjunction with solution of personality formation issues. The problem of personal development of future physical education specialists is among the fundamental ones in the system of vocational training and arises from the need to understand personality traits of a future teacher, his value orientations, and behavioral characteristics.
Keywords: morality, motivation, professional identity, graduates, Physical Education and Sport Faculty, model.
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