Role of state policy in development of experimental and innovation activities in physical education and sport sector



PhD D.G. Stepyko1
D.V. Gracheva1
A.A. Golova2
O.N. Andryushchenko3
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
2Center for Sports Training of Russian national teams, Moscow
3Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify the organizational and methodological bases for the creation of federal innovation platforms in the field of physical culture and sport, their directions, procedure for their recognition, and effectiveness of their activity in the period from 2016 to2020.
Methods and structure of the study. We analyzed current forms and features of government regulation based on the data from open sources for the period from 2013 to 2019 to promote these activities in the national projects. The study involved the analytical and statistical methods, legal and content analysis. We applied the open-source data on the research problem and official public documents, analyzed the requests and reports of the organizations involved in the experimental and innovation activities, content analysis of the official sites, normative legal documents devoted to the organization of educational and innovation activities in the field of physical culture and sport.
Results and conclusions. The implementation of experimental and innovation activities through federal innovation platforms was proved effective. Among the positive results of work of the federal innovation platforms were: the presence of effective mechanisms of motivation, stimulation, scientific and methodological support of the innovation and experimental activities; the presence of practical effects, specific products of the experimental and innovation activities, conceptualization, systematization and their mass distribution; involvement of professional workers in this field. The experimental activity actors participate in the formulation of state policy in the field of physical culture and sport as a whole, as well as in the sector of experimental and innovation activities. The possibilities for the creation and successful operation of the federal innovation platforms depend on the specifics of the chosen direction and available resources, socio-economic status, and the interest of the participants of the project of the region(s).

Keywords: innovation acctivity, physical culture, sports.


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