Evaluation criteria of overall coordination preparedness of football players



Dr.Hab., professor I.Y. Gorskaya1
PhD, associate professor I.V. Averyanov1
PhD, associate professor E.N. Mironenko2
1Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports, Omsk
2Omsk State Transport University, Omsk

Objective of the study was to develop quantitative criteria for evaluation of the level of development of coordination abilities in 9-17 year-old football players to improve the training process control and correction model.
Methods and structure of the study. The level of coordination preparedness of the football players was assessed using the standard methods currently applied by the researchers (stabilography, psychomotor and pedagogical testing). We also used the methods of mathematical modeling and statistics. Sampled for the study were 258 football players aged 9-17 years (qualification levels: Candidate Master of Sports, 1st-3rd senior categories).
Results and conclusions. Evaluation of the level of overall coordination preparedness of the 9-17 year-old football players enabled to analyze the dynamics of changes in the accuracy of motor actions, responsiveness and ability to maintain statodynamic equilibrium in the age aspect. The data obtained made it possible to monitor the subjects' level of coordination preparedness, more precisely forecast and estimate individual age-specific growth of coordination abilities rates in the football players and plan training loads accordingly. Fixation on the model level of development of coordination abilities facilitates the identification of gifted and talented athletes, timely correction and individualization of the process of coordination training of football players.

Keywords: coordination abilities, football, model characteristics, training process.


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