Stimulating kinesiological potential of senior residents of Yugra north through Nordic walking practices
A.Yu. Nikolaev1
L.E. Zelenina1
Dr. Biol., Professor S.I. Loginov1
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Snigirev1
1Surgut State University, Surgut
Objective of the study was to identify the ways to correct the low level of daily physical activity and sedentary behavior of senior women with the help of the author's methodology of Nordic walking (based on a comparative analysis).
Methods and structure of the study. An educational experiment was aimed to increase the low level of physical activity of the subjects. Sampled for the experiment were the 60-64 year-old females, who were divided into 2 groups: Experimental Group (EG) (n=20), practicing the author’s Nordic walking 3 times a week for 50 min, and Control Group (CG) (n=19), practicing normal walking according to the same protocol. The training sessions lasted 24 weeks and were held in the open air, and at an air temperature below 20 °C - indoors. The subjects’ physical fitness level was assessed using a physical fitness test for senior people. In order to determine the three psychological needs of the senior women, we used the the Psychological Need Satisfaction in Exercise (PNSE) scale. The express assessment of their health status was made based on the survey results analyzed using the SF-36 test "Quality of Life".
Results of the study and conclusions. The physical fitness test data revealed positive changes in both groups, however, the Nordic walking classes had a stronger effect on the level of physical fitness, motivation and quality of life.
Therefore, regular Nordic walking practices had a stimulating effect on the development of kinesiological potential of the elderly women. This clearly indicates that this potential can and should be stimulated and, figuratively speaking, recharged at any age and at any stage of ontogenesis, and even in the elderly (third) age.
Keywords: Nordic walking, kinesiological potential, elderly women, physical fitness, quality of life.
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