Модель научно-методического сопровождения подготовки спортивного резерва в зимних видах спорта
PhD, Associate Professor O.S. Zdanovich1
PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Zebzeev1
1Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky
Objective of the study was to develop a model of scientific and methodological support of sports reserve training in Winter Sports.
Methods and structure of the study. The following methods were applied to develop the model: analysis of literary and documentary sources, theoretical modeling. The theoretical development of the model was carried out by the scientists of FSBEI HE Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture from 2010 to 2011. It has been tested and experimental at the premises of the Federal Training Center for Winter Sports "Snezhinka" from 2012 to the present. During the study, we have examined more than 500 athletes involved in ski jumping, Nordic combined, cross-country skiing and biathlon.
Results of the study and conclusions. We developed the model of scientific and methodological support of the process of multi-years training of ski jumpers, Nordic combined skiers, biathlonists and cross-country skiers. The most important content-related components of the model are as follows: 1) the program of pedagogical control, which ensures regular operational, ongoing, stage examinations of athletes, as well as examinations of their competitive activity; 2) processing of obtained data on the conditions and fitness levels of athletes using a computer information database; 3) transfer of the athletes’ test rates to their coaches; 4) taking grounded decisions by a coach in terms of management of the long-term training of sports reserve in Winter Sports.
The results of application of the presented model contributed to the development of Winter Sports in the Perm territory. The results of the scientific and methodological support of athletic training are reflected in the reports made within the framework of the state tasks, research and development projects, competitions of promising scientific projects and grants on various topics in the field of ski jumping and Nordic combined.
Keywords: model, scientific and methodological support, training of a sports reserve, Winter Sports.
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