Analysis of GTO complex implementation results in Perm territory
Postgraduate student S.S. Galanova1
PhD, Associate Professor T.V. Fendel1
PhD, Associate Professor Yu.Yu. Borina1
1Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky
Objective of the study was to determine the effectiveness of implementation of the GTO Complex in the Perm territory.
Methods and structure of the study. We conducted a comparative analysis of the results of implementation of the GTO Complex in the individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation. We drew on the data presented on the website of the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sport of the Perm territory, the "Statistics" section, according to Form No. 2-GTO, and on the website of the Russian Physical Culture and Sport GTO Complex, the "GTO Rating" section.
Results of the study and conclusions. As of October 1, 2019, the Perm territory, famous for its sports traditions, occupies the 48th place in the GTO Rating. The reasons for reduction of the effectiveness of implementation of the GTO Complex are as follows: the use of traditional organizational forms of involvement of the population in the GTO Complex tests; underfunding of the GTO Complex sport events (lack of the federal and territorial funds); general reduction of motor activity and a decrease of the physical fitness level (of the total number of residents of the Perm region who participated in the GTO Complex tests (82,271 people), only 30,297 people (36.83%) were able to qualify for the GTO badges; low effectiveness of the measures aimed to involve the secondary schoolchildren of the Perm region in the GTO Complex tests. Thus, for instance, the 5th-7th graders (Level III) demonstrated the lowest GTO Complex test results.
Mobilization of "additional" financial resources for the GTO Complex sport events; the use of "non-traditional" organizational forms of involvement of the population in the GTO Complex tests; the development and implementation of a set of measures to promote the GTO Complex among secondary schoolchildren (Level III, primarily) and their engage in the GTO Complex tests will contribute to the successful implementation of the GTO Complex in the Perm territory.
Keywords: Russian Physical Culture and Sport GTO Complex, Perm territory, Tchaikovsky District.
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