Social image of ideal physical education teacher
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Izotov1
PhD, Associate Professor G.V. Soldatova2
D.B. Selyukin1
1Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg
2St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, St. Petersburg
Objective of the study was to analyze the ideal physical education teacher image characteristics in minds of university students.
Methods and structure of the study. During the study, we applied such methods as: questionnaire survey of the students (n=109) and physical education teachers (n=22), and processing of the survey data by means of a content analysis. An open-type questionnaire survey was used as the main research method, in which the respondents were asked to write down 10 most important characteristics of the ideal physical education teacher.
Results of the study and conclusions. The comparative analysis of the ideal physical education teacher image characteristics in the minds of the university students and teachers indicated the presence of both common and specific features. The teachers were more focused on professional characteristics, while the students' expectations were associated with comfortable interaction and a humane attitude on the part of the teacher. We identified some gender-specific characteristics of the ideal image of a physical education teacher (the young males’ views reflected a more strict image, while the females, on the contrary, emphasized a soft one), which may be important for organization of the educational process. The ideal physical education teacher image can be used as a model one both in the process of vocational training and advanced training of specialists in this field, and directly in the process of professional activity of physical education teachers.
Keywords: ideal image, physical education teachers, students, expertise, communication.
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