Антропоцентрические императивы проектного управления элективной физической культурой
Dr.Hab., Professor V.I. Grigoryev1
PhD, Associate Professor Yu.A. Dubrovskaya2
PhD, Associate Professor A.B. Makhovikov2
1St. Petersburg State University of Economics, St. Petersburg
2Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg
Objective of the study was to scientifically substantiate the ways to increase the effectiveness of university physical education by means of project management methods. It was assumed that the use of project management methods would increase the effectiveness of mastered competencies within the scope of FSES HE 3++ requirements by regulating the energy cost and degree of impact of physical load.
Methods and structure of the study. At the first stage of the experiment, we developed a project management model focused on synthetic programming. For the females, we proposed Discorobics, DanceLatino, Pilates programs. For the young males - BarbellWorkout and LB + Stretch. At the second stage, observations were made to assess the dynamics of physical development and physical fitness of 96 students (48 males and 48 females), achieved through regulation of ergogenic effects and resonances of adaptation to physical loads.
Results of the study and conclusions. It was found that adaptation to aerobic loads during the Discorobics, DanceLatino, Pilates practices led to cumulative plastic and metabolic changes in the females; improved their results in the 100m run and standing long jump tests. Weight trainings under the BarbellWorkout and LB + Stretch programs led to an increase in the deadlift result, in the number of pull-ups on the crossbar from the hanging position and push-ups. It was found that increasing training intensity leads to the achievement of working muscle hyperplasia and plastic transformations of the muscular system.
The use of project management methods was found to promote the growth of adaptability, dynamism, variability and integrity of the educational process in the elective discipline "Physical Education and Sport", increase flexibility and rate of response to the changes in the state and working capacity of the students of different departments.
Keywords: anthropocentrism, project-oriented activity, project, singularity, incentives, functional array.
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