Peculiarities of external respiration in trainees developing endurance through speed-strength practices



PhD G.V. Puchinskiy1
Dr.Med., Professor N.I. Ishekova1
1Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk

Modern research literature makes a special emphasis on the functional parameters of external respiration system in young trainees living in the northern territories of Russia. A number of unfavorable climatic and geographic conditions that negatively affect the functioning of physiological systems of the body actualize the study of the peculiarities of adaptive rearrangements of the body during the training process.
Objective of the study was to identify the peculiarities of external respiration in male students developing endurance mainly through speed-strength exercises.
Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the one-stage observational experiment were 39 male students. The nonrandomized sampling mix was formed based on the principle of regular performance during the training sessions of either speed-strength (n=22) or cyclic (n=17) exercises aimed to develop endurance.
Results of the study. The study found that forced expiration in the students practicing exercises to develop endurance was characterized by statistically higher values of some dynamic parameters and higher indicators of airway conductance.
Conclusion. The data obtained suggest a specific adaptation of the external respiration system and the formation of a specific breathing pattern under training loads, which were characteristic of the represented contingents of the examined trainees.

Keywords: students, external respiration system, exercises, spirometry.


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