Peculiarities of training of amateur marathon runners



Postgraduate student V.I. Epanov1
PhD, Associate Professor T.V. Fendel1
1Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky

Objective of the study was to determine the peculiarities of training of amateur marathon runners.
Methods and structure of the study. For the purposes of the study, we analyzed the results of the questionnaire survey (by S.M. Struganov, modified version) conducted among the amateur marathon runners of the Perm Territory and neighboring constituent entities of the Russian Federation (n=127).
Results and conclusions. The survey results showed that more than half the amateur athletes were 30+ years of age and, by the time of the experiment, had been engaged in marathon running for at least 3 years. A little more than half of them (56.7%) preferred to train under the guidance of their coach; the rest (43.3%) trained independently. There is a broad list of motives for participating in marathon races: from strictly pragmatic to research-related. The amount and intensity of physical loads, as well as the training and rehabilitation means included in the content of the training programs were quite diverse as well. The vast majority of respondents (81.9%) emphasized the importance of information support, including methodological one.
The survey results suggest the lack of unified approaches to training of amateur marathon runners. The differences concern both the amount and intensity of training loads, and the means and methods of physical training. The development of scientifically substantiated methods and their practical application in the process of training of amateur marathon runners in our country should be considered a promising direction for further research related to the participation of amateur athletes in marathon races.

Keywords: amateur athletes, marathon running, marathon, marathon training.


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