Visual tactical task solving efficiency rate by junior kickboxers


A.V. Salugin1
Associate Professor F.V. Salugin1
A.A. Fomenko1
1Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Omsk

Keywords: kickboxing, tactics, modeling, situations of confrontation.

The quality of systematization of minimal conflict situations is influenced by the criteria of age and complexity of the structure of the simulated situation. In a duel, successful systematization of each element of the situation allows you to save up to 100 MS for decision - making, which determines the effectiveness and timeliness of reproducing further technical and tactical actions, as well as the competitive result in General.


  1. Salugin F. V. Situational analysis of tactical and technical actions of highly qualified kickboxers / F. V. Salugin // Theory and practice of physics. culture. - 2019. - № 5. - P. 24.