2020 Olympic prospects for Russian women's gymnastics team
Dr.Hab., Professor A.A. Somkin1
PhD, Associate Professor G.V. Zarodnyuk2
PhD, Associate Professor N.N. Smirnova2
1Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Film and Television, Saint-Petersburg
2Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg
Objective of the study was to conduct a retrospective analysis of competitive performances of the Russian women's national gymnastics team at the 2018 and 2019 World Championships and XXXI Olympic Games and determine the prospects for the Russian gymnasts at the upcoming 2020 Olympics.
Methods and structure of the study. We analyzed the materials on the websites of the International Gymnastics Federation (gymnastics.sport), 2018 and 2019 World Championships, respectively (worldgymdoha18.com, stuttgart2019.de); video materials on the FIG YouTube Channel and matchtv.ru.
Results of the study and conclusions. The results of competitive performances of Russian gymnasts at the last two world championships of the "Olympic cycle" 2017-2020, as opposed to the unconditional leaders - the US national team and its leading gymnast Simone Biles - indicate that our athletes have no real chance of winning in both the team and individual all-round championship. The article considers the options for the personal composition of Russian gymnasts applying for inclusion in the national team for the XXXII Olympic Games in Tokyo, focusing on the results they had demonstrated at the 2018 and 2019 World Championships.
Therefore, the Russian national team can primarily claim to win one of the top places of the team tournament, as well as in individual all-around.
Keywords: XXXII Olympic Games, women's gymnastics, Russian national team, 48th and 49th World Championships.
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