Teaching biomedical disciplines based on distance education technologies at physical education and sport university



PhD, Associate Professor P.G. Bordovskiy1
PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Petrenko1
PhD, Associate Professor M.S. Stradina1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to determine the degree of reliability of the training process, reflected in the amount of residual knowledge of third-year students who have completed training in the discipline "Human Anatomy" and are studying the crossdiscipline "Sports Morphology".
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved the third-year students (n=50) trained in human anatomy with the use of distance education technologies. We tested the survival of knowledge among the students.
For the purpose of certification of the students we developed 3 versions of test, 40 questions each. The test questions reflected the requirements of general professional competencies, a student who has mastered the discipline program should possess. The questions were formulated taking into account the applied nature of professional activities in the field of physical culture and sport.
Results of the study and conclusions. The study revealed the study units and topics of the discipline, in which the students demonstrate the lowest level of knowledge. It is shown that the students demonstrated insufficient level of survival of knowledge in the section "Anatomy of the systems of regulation of the vital functions of the body"; the paper considers the reasons for the insufficient quality of students’ knowledge of this study unit of the discipline. To increase the continuity of knowledge in the biomedical disciplines, it is proposed to use the model of distance learning in the discipline "Human Anatomy" for senior students to repeat the most complex academic topics.

Keywords: distance learning, vocational training.


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