Academic educational environment potential for student sport development
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Peshkova
Surgut State University, Surgut
Objective of the study was to scientifically and theoretically substantiate the use of potentials of the educational university environment for the development of student sports.
Study results and conclusions. The transition of university sports to the mode of progressive development requires the implementation of new managerial approaches ‒ management through the "soft power", through the environment, in a space that meets the goals and tasks of the educational institution. The article substantiates the need to increase the prognostic potential of the educational university environment, viewed as its qualitative characteristic and manifested in the created opportunities for the development of student sports, to attract more students to a healthy and sports lifestyle.
The author concludes that in terms of the educational university environment, subjects view its objective possibilities differently. Each student, due to his/ her specificity, interests, value orientations, chooses what is "closer" to him/ her both semantically and spatially.
In this view, the educational university environment should be structured in a certain way, so to have the following system features: integrity, openness, structure, coherency, dynamism, controllability, continuity; to be filled with the physical education and sports events, which would contribute to the disclosure of students' capacities and formation of their semantic values related to a healthy and sports lifestyle, as well as their formation as a personality and future professional.
Keywords: student sports, educational university environment, involvement of students in physical education and sports activities.
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