Structure and content of postdelivery training method in elite track and field sports
PhD N.V. Makarova1
PhD, Professor T.M. Melikhova1
1Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk
Objective of the study was to scientifically substantiate the method of postdelivery training of highly-skilled female track and field athletes in the annual training cycle.
Methods and structure of the study. During the study, the following methods were applied: theoretical analysis of scientific-methodical and special literature, generalization of advanced practical experience, educational experiment, anthropometric measurements and centile analysis of the indicators of physical development of the female athletes' infants.
Sampled for the study were 9 highly-skilled female track and field athletes (WCMS, MS) aged 21 to 27 years, specializing in power walking and long-distance running. According to their obstetrician-gynecologists, all female athletes had a normal gestation course and normal act of delivery, which is an indication for physical activities in the early postdelivery period.
Study results and conclusions. The findings revealed the structure and content of the training process of highly-skilled female track and field athletes getting back into shape after a break in their sports careers. We tested by experiment the training method, which provides a step-by-step increase of physical fitness level and functional state, improvement of sports shape, which was expressed in the achievement by the female athletes of the level of competitive performance demonstrated before pregnancy. We proved the possibility of using physical loads in the early postdelivery stages without inhibition of lactation.
Keywords: track and field athletics, female athletes, postdelivery trainings, athletic performance.
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