Academic physical education model designed on ontokinesiological approach
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor A.I. Zagrevskaya1
PhD, Associate Professor N.L. Guseva1
T.V. Galaychuk1
1Tomsk State University, Tomsk
Keywords: ontokinesiological approach, educational system, physical education , kinesiological competency, students.
Background. Modern Federal State Higher Education Standards (FSHES) spell out the universal competences for every academic education field and specialty that include the basic professional individual skills for success in the professional careers and social sphere [6]. Bachelors of Physical Education and Sports are expected to develop, among other universal competences, the ‘self-management for self-development (including health protection)’ competence referred to as universal competences-7 – which includes the ‘ability to maintain standard physical fitness for success of the social and professional responsibilities’. Lately the national physical education community has given a special priority to the new concepts and approaches to improve the theoretical and practical physical education and sport service as required by the new-generation FSHES [2, 4, 8]. We believe that the ontokinesiological approach – viewed as a meta-subjective basis of the sport theory and practice – is of high promise and potentially efficient in this context for universal competences - 7 building purposes [2-4, 7, 9].
Objective of the study was to offer theoretical and practical grounds for a new academic physical education model designed on the ontokinesiological approach.
Methods and structure of the study. We have analyzed and generalized under the study the available philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and other scientific literature on the subject and complemented the study by abstraction and specification analyses and educational monitoring tools.
Results and discussion. The ontokinesiological approach is largely based on a contribution by V.K. Bal’sevich, a prominent national researcher who offered (2000) the notion of kinesiological potential viewed as a combination of psycho-bodily-motor traits and personality qualities. He demonstrated that an individual motor function may be developed at any age albeit its progress is largely determined by the relevant socio-cultural factors including a focused theoretical and practical physical education service with controlled, assisted and self-reliant physical education and sport trainings [1].
That is the reason why the physical education community makes an emphasis on the kinesiological competency building aspects, with the kinesiological competency viewed as the ability for a self-reliant development of the own kinesiological resource in the academic education process to become prepared (competent) to maintain ‘standard physical fitness for success of the social and professional responsibilities’ for the whole lifetime. We have developed a student kinesiological competency building model (its frame design and content) [2] with the relevant educational system.
The student kinesiological competency building model was based on the theoretical and practical approaches of the modern humanistic pedagogy to effectively harmonize the anthropological, cultural, individual operational and competency-building components to attain the goals of the kinesiological-competency-prioritizing educational system: see the Figure 1 hereunder.
Figure 1. Theoretical and practical provisions for the student kinesiological competency building educational system
Global objective |
Components |
Goals |
Anthropological approach |
Notions |
Cultural approach |
Concepts |
Tools |
Individual operational approach |
Education service models and methods |
Result |
Competency-building approach |
As provided by I.V. Manzheley (2014), each approach as a subsystem includes some necessary elements such as notions, concepts, educational process models and methods – that are collectively referred to as a subsystem [5].
The anthropological approach to the student kinesiological competency building service is based on the ideas of pedagogical anthropology with concern to the integrity and indivisibility of the human spiritual and biological nature, unity of the general, special and unique in each person, and the totality of the mental, moral and physical in the human development process. The key notions of the anthropological kinesiological-competency-building approach are as follows: “biosocial essence of human”, “human as a value”, “reflexivity”, “self-identification”, “self-development”, “self-education”, “self-assertion” etc. The student kinesiological competency building process is driven by the following concepts: harmony with nature (environment-friendliness), harmonized physical and spiritual progress, ‘human in man’ advancement concept etc.
The cultural approach to the student kinesiological competency building service is based on the following concepts: cultural identity, productivity and multiculturalism. The cultural identity concept implies the cultural aspect of the student kinesiological competency building service, with conscious physical education and sport process supported by a sound cultural background to facilitate the individual psychophysical and motor transformations on a cultural basis. The productivity concept refers to the component of the student kinesiological competency building service geared to mobilize the creative, productive essence of culture to develop facilitating provisions for the socio-cultural motor activity. And the multiculturalism concept refers to the component of the student kinesiological competency building service designed to use the physical education tools so as to secure progress in every cultural domain including the health culture, kinesiological culture, communication culture etc. Every such culture contributes to the personality development process when it inspires and encourages the professional activity. It is the core mission of the individual operational approach to facilitate the personality development via practical activity with a high motivation for any productive activity and efficient cooperation in the activity design and management process.
The kinesiological competency building in the individualized physical education and sport service implies comprehension, awareness and progress in the personal values and priorities in the physical education and sports domain i.e. reflection. Such individualized physical education and sport service will be designed to make the individual highly fit for the self-development, self-perfection and self-assertion missions using the own kinesiological potential.
And the competency-building approach as a modern paradigm of the educational process mission encourages students to apply their knowledge in practice to progress in the operational, technological domains and avoid the accumulated knowledge being purely theoretical – to make sure that the “what” competence is always complemented by the “how” competence. The competency-building approach with its concepts (focus on the future professional service in the kinesiological competency building process; knowledge, skills and experience integration; and the self-organization and self-development) is considered the core method to facilitate the professional personality formation and secure new quality for the academic physical education service. Therefore, efficient integration of the above approaches and concepts in the academic physical education service will facilitate the fully-fledged professional formation process by due provisions for the student kinesiological competency building system.
Conclusion. It was demonstrated that the new academic physical education model on the ontokinesiological basis effectively harmonizes the anthropological, cultural, individual operational and competency-building components to attain the goals of the educational process. The key priority in the physical education system design shall be given to the physical education service mission that is to build up the students' kinesiological competency viewed as the ability for physical progress on a self-reliant basis to meet the modern Federal State Higher Education Standards 3++ and attain the best individual goals in the academic physical education and sport discipline.
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Modern Federal State Higher Education Standards spell out the universal competences for every academic education field and specialty that include the basic professional individual skills for success in the professional careers and social sphere.
Objective of the study was to offer the theoretical and practical grounds for a new academic physical education model designed on an ontokinesiological basis – defined as the meta-subjective basis of the sports theory and practice that was found beneficial for the academic physical education service to mobilize and fully employ the individual intellectual and physical resources. It was also demonstrated that the new academic physical education model on the ontokinesiological basis effectively harmonizes the anthropological, cultural, individual operational and competency-building components to attain the goals of the educational process. The key priority in the physical education system design shall be given to the physical education service mission that is to build up the students' kinesiological competency viewed as the ability for physical progress on a self-reliant basis to meet the modern Federal State Higher Education Standards 3++.