Sport and health aspects of adaptation in northern regions of Russia


PhD, Associate Professor J.A. Yakovleva1
PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Sharok1
PhD, Associate Professor E.G. Vakhnina1
1Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg

Objective of the study was to identify the influence of sport and health factors on adaptation to the Arctic working and living conditions of various groups of population.
Methods and structure of the study. In order to accomplish the main goal of the study on the successful adaptation of different social groups to harsh Arctic conditions, we organized a sociological study. The methods applied during the study were as follows: a longitudinal study of students of different specializations that are in demand in the Arctic, a questionnaire survey of work experience in the Arctic region, and an expert survey.
Results of the study and conclusions. The surveyed groups were disquieted by possible negative effects of the harsh climatic conditions of the Arctic on their health and, as a result, emphasized the need for access to quality health services. All respondents expressed their interest in regular sports activities, which is possible only if there is a wide network of sports facilities, which services are available for everyone. The social expectations of the examined students and workers were confirmed by the results of the expert survey.
The results of sociological surveys confirm that among the proposed facilities of the social infrastructure that affect man’s adaptation in new geographical conditions, special attention was paid to sports complexes and medical centers. As a result, in relation to the conditions of the Arctic, such factors as sport, physical education and medicine were referred by the respondents to the fundamental factors of successful adaptation in the Arctic. The research results confirm the need to reflect these facts in government programs for the development of the Northern regions of Russia.

Keywords: health, sport, physical education, human resources, adaptation, the Arctic.


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