Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury № 2 2020
S.A. Pronin – Scientific-theoretical journal «Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kultury» and its effect on theory and methodology of speed skating© ►►►pp.3
I.I. Gotovtsev, T.K. Kolesova, M.D. Gulyaev, E.V. Korkin – Integration of content of vocational physical education at different levels of student course© ►►►pp.6
S.S. Gulyaeva, P.D. Gulyaev, S.S. Dobrovolsky, A.F. Syrovatskaya – Regional physical education and sport training system building concept in application to Sakha Republic (Yakutia)© ►►►pp.9
L.I. Kostynina, O.S. Nazarenko, E.E. Panova – Morality as factor in improvement of professional skills of future physical education and sport specialists© ►►►pp.12
A.P. Maltseva, N.M. Kasatkina, A.Yu. Tikhonova – Healthy longevity as new meta-subject area of interdisciplinary research in theory and practice of physical education sector© ►►►pp.15
I.N. Timoshina, L.D. Nazarenko, A.V. Meshcheryakov – Active motor activity as condition for improvement of health and life expectancy© ►►►pp.18
A.V. Nazarenko, I.V. Astrakhantseva, M.V. Korotkova – Factors determining human life quality and expectancy© ►►►pp.21
K.N. Dementiev, E.G. Zuykova, T.V. Bushma, O.N. Ustinova, I.I. Kiprushina – Use of concentrated training technology during aerobic practices© ►►►pp.24
S.V. Khudik, V.S. Bliznevskaya, A.A. Khudik, A.Yu. Bliznevsky – Synergetic approach to formation of integrated specialization for academic elective physical education and sport course© ►►►pp.27
Yu.S. Vanyushin, R. R. Khairullin, D.E. Elistratov, N.A. Fedorov, N.F. Ishmukhametova – Adaptation of athletes’ cardiorespiratory system to physical loads© ►►►pp.30
R.V. Tambovtseva, D.I. Sechin – Dynamics of psychophysiological characteristics of highly qualified combat athletes after hypoxic stimulation© ►►►pp.33
A.N. Ovchinnikov, A.V. Deryugina – Effects of composition of ubiquinone-10 and royal jelly on physiological and biochemical correlates of improved physical activity rates in highly qualified athletes© ►►►pp.36
A.L. Korepanov, O.N. Golovko, S.E. Motornaya – Aerobic potential in adolescents with different physical development rates© ►►►pp.39
Qais B. Yaseen, Bashar A.AL.Saleh, Rafat. S.A. Eltibi, Qais M. Nayrat, Irina V. Petracheva – Comparison of physical and physiological indicators in handball players of various training groups© ►►►pp.42
N.A. Gross, T.L. Sharova, A.V. Molokanov – Cardiovascular response to rotational movements and stimulation of foot support points when developing statokinetic stability in disabled children© ►►►pp.45
O.V. Mamonova, S.I. Filimonova, E.A. Lubyshev, Yu.B. Almazova – New pedagogical approaches to physical education of students with special educational needs© ►►►pp.48
T.D. Dubovitskaya, G.M. Romanova, I.N. Makarova, I.N. Ovsyannikova – Psychological barriers for professional sport career © ►►►pp.51
S.V. Voronin, T.D. Dubovitskaya, L.A. Bazaleva, A.V. Shashkov, L.K. Fedyakina – Value orientations of professional sport career© ►►►pp.54
A.I. Panyukov, Yu.G. Panyukova, I.M. Kornilova, I.F. Ponizovkina – Prospects for ecopsychological studies of physical education and sports environment of educational institutions© ►►►pp.57
T.F. Abramova, T.M. Nikitina, A.V. Polfuntikova – Features of physical development and physical fitness of junior footballers and cyclists (BMX) aged 6 - 10 years© ►►►pp.60
E.A. Kabanova, G.A. Kuzmenko, Ch.T. Ivankov – Excelling training of junior heavy weight judokas for high-speed confrontation strategy© ►►►pp.63
L.D. Nazarenko, A.S. Kovalenko – Methodology of psychological adaptation of skilled 15-17-year-old footballers to training and competitive loads© ►►►pp.66
M.V. Popova, E.K. Veselova, E.Yu. Korzhova, T.A. Makarova – Sport skill level in context of individual moral orientation assessment© ►►►pp.69
T.G. Artyomenko, B.P. Abramova, V.N. Alekseev – Muscular activity when performing body conditioning exercises and motor actions in national sports game «Yakut Spinner'»© ►►►pp.72
A.Yu. Bulatetskaya – Intellectual capital as factor in effective management of development of professional sports organizations under commercialization© ►►►pp.75
«TRAINER» – journal in journal
N.V. Adodin, P.E. Myakinchenko – Comparison of training process and competitive activity characteristics in elite biathletes in different seasons © ►►►pp.80
A.N. Katenkov, E.A. Anisimova, E.M. Novikova – Theoretical and methodological substantiation of running speed rating conditions and factors© ►►►pp.83
Al Khalili Mohaned, M.E. Stepanova, I.O. Abitaev, A.V. Kulyabin – Rating performance tennis on clay courts© ►►►pp.86
T.V. Mikhailova, A.S. Tsutskova – Display personality characteristics in rowers of sports perfection group at pre-season stage© ►►►pp.89
V.N. Loginov, P.I. Sobakin, N.N. Sivtsev, E.P. Fedorov – Stick grip specifics in mas-wrestling© ►►►pp.92
L.V. Safonov, B.N. Shustin – Biomedical theses in sport science© ►►►pp.96
B.N. Shustin, A.A. Gorelov – Current state of scientific research in physical education and sports based on theses analysis© ►►►pp.99
T.M. Zhidkikh, D.V. Gorbachev, V.S. Mineev – Biofeedback algorithmization for health of elite wrestlers© ►►►pp.101
A.B. Petrov, A.B. Perlov, Rauf Azer Ogly Agaev, G.М. Lavruhina – Digital technologies for objective assessment of Russian physical culture and sports GTO complex tests© ►►►pp.103
Asaad Muhannad Khisamovich, V.P. Guba, L.V. Bulykina – Effectiveness of comprehensive training methodology for libero in youth volleyball© ►►►pp.17
S.M. Voronin, O.V. Borodulina – Student-centered physical fitness© ►►►pp.20
I.V. Nikolaeva, Yu.V. Shikhovtsov, P.P. Nikolaev – Analysis of effectiveness of opponent's service return by elite volleyball players© ►►►pp.26
T.A. Obletsova, R.M. Gorodnichev – Development of coordination abilities in junior basketball players aged 13-14 years© ►►►pp.29
V.P. Ganapolsky, V.O. Matytsin, P.V. Rodichkin – Integrated use of hypoxic training and pharmacological correction to improve performance of mountaineers© ►►►pp.38
A.V. Rodin – Informational support of technical and tactical training of team athletes© ►►►pp.56
A.B. Samoilov – Game tools in training process of junior tennis players of beginner training groups© ►►►pp.65
L.N. Kodaneva, E.S. Ketlerova – Effect of just dance simulator practices on female students' physical fitness© ►►►pp.78
N.S. Bakhareva, I.L. Cherednik – Features of somatotypological characteristics in children of first and second childhood periods and their importance for sports selection© ►►►pp.82
Yu.Yu. Kareva, Yu.V. Shikhovtsov, I.V. Nikolaeva – Extreme development of game situation at service return - characteristic feature of modern volleyball© ►►►pp.85
E.A. Milashechkina, A.V. Rusanov, I.R. Tarasenko – Hormonal profile of special medical department students with cardiorespiratory system abnormalities© ►►►pp.88
T.P. Prokopets, A.Yu. Osipov, M.D. Kudryavtsev, R.S. Nagovitsyn – Fitness cardio training to increase functional status of women with hypertension © ►►►pp.94
V.A. Romanov – Development and implementation of individual educational routes for training of masters of physical education© ►►►pp.98