Physical fitness rates monitoring for management of high jumper physical training
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor I.K. Latypov1
R.M. Valiullin1
1Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan
The present study is devoted to the design of physical training management technology in application to qualified high jumpers based on the developed methodology for ongoing monitoring and model characteristics reflecting the level of their physical fitness. Sampled for the study were 38 high jumpers qualified CMS to WCMS.
The developed technology of management of physical training of track jumpers consists of three stages:
- application of the proposed methodology for assessing high jumpers’ special physical fitness using a battery of tests;
- evaluation of the test results based on the developed model characteristics, diagnostics of correlations formed in the process of development of individual aspects of physical fitness and identification of weak aspects of the athlete's physical fitness;
- recommendations in the form of corrective physical training aimed to enhance the identified weak aspects of the athlete's special physical fitness.
Keywords: high jumping, physical training, special physical fitness of high jumpers.
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