Modern Technologies of Pedagogical Impact and New Types of Motor Activity in Student Health Protection
PhD, Associate Professor O.I. Kuzmina1
Dr.Med., Professor V.Y. Lebedinskiy1, 2
PhD O.A. Shvachun3
1Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk
2Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk
3Russian State University of Justice, Voronezh
Objective of the study was to substantiate modern pedagogical technologies and new types of motor activity in application to students’ training process aimed to involve them in regular academic physical education classes and form a healthy lifestyle.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was carried out at the premises of Irkutsk National Research Technical University from 2007 through 2019. The first stage (2007-2008) was focused on the formation and further improvement of the university legal framework concerning the problems of preservation and promotion of students’ health. The second stage (2009) was devoted to the development of a common methodology in the field of protection and assessment of health of the educational process subjects. The third stage (2010-2011) consisted in the development of the structure and content of a unified health monitoring system for students – "Health Passport". The fourth stage (2012-2019) was devoted to the systematization and theoretical analysis of study findings, development of practical recommendations and introduction of new pedagogical technologies and new types of students' motor activity into the university’s activity.
Results. The studies undertaken during the past decade indicate a steadily low level of health in students entering the 1st year of study. In 2007, more than half of the first-year INRTU students were attributed to the main and preparatory health groups (52.5% and 16.3%, respectively), while the special health group was made of the smallest (over all years of study) number of students (23.3%). Comparing the data obtained in 2008 and 2019, it was found that in the endurance test (1000 m run), the number of female students with the "low" and "below average" rates (under the standards of physical development and physical fitness of students) decreased by 16.9%. At the same time, there was an increase in their number in terms of the "average" (by 7.9%) and "above average" (6.9%) rates. In the standing long jump test, the number of female students with the "low" rates reduced by 11.6% through expanding the "average" (2.9%) and "above average" (16.6%) clusters. Some significant shifts were observed in the push-up test: the number of female students with the "low" and "below average" rates decreased by 35.7%, while the number of those with the "average" (by 16.5%), "above average" (by 21.3%) and "high" (by 72.2%) rates increased. A similar situation was observed in terms of the physical development rates.
Conclusion. The use of modern pedagogical technologies and new types of motor activity in the university’s activity helps attract students to regular academic physical education classes and contributes to the formation of their value attitude to a healthy lifestyle.
Keywords: health protection, students, physical education, pedagogical technologies.
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