Physical condition of 6-10 year-olds in light of organization of their motor activity



Dr.Biol. T.F. Abramova1
PhD T.M. Nikitina1
A.V. Polfuntikova1
A.V. Malinin2
1Federal Research Center for Physical Culture and Sports (FRS VNIIIFK), Moscow
2St. Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture, St. Petersburg

Currently, the age of initial athletic training is governed by the Federal Standards for athletic training. We studied the effects of motor activity on the levels of physical development and physical fitness of the 6-10 year-old children. The comparative analysis of the morphological and functional indicators (body size, muscle and fat mass, heart rate, blood pressure, vital capacity) and the level of development of physical qualities (speed, coordination, strength, endurance and flexibility) and their correlation in 150 non-sporting children, and 103 junior football players of 6-10 years of age revealed the positive impact of sports on the physical development and physical fitness 6-10 years olds. The peculiarities of heterochrony and synchronization of growth and development processes objectively indicate that it is advisable to start sports activities at the age of 6 years with an emphasis on body conditioning in order to harmoniously develop the functions of the main life support systems (cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems, respiratory and musculoskeletal system); sports activities at the stage of initial athletic training, provided that the priority of the body conditioning means and methods is preserved and the components of technical training are introduced – at the age of 8; more specialized training at the stage of initial athletic training – at the age of 9 and above.

Keywords: non-sporting children, soccer players, 6-10 year-olds, physical development, physical fitness.


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