Preschoolers’ physical fitness rating tests: standards setting issue



Dr.Hab., Professor L.A. Semenov1
Dr.Hab., Professor L.I. Lubysheva2
1Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

The substantiation of the need for the development of common guidelines for preschool educational organizations for assessing the conditional physical fitness of children is given. Interim targets are proposed (for 4-6 year-olds), which are based on test methods and standards developed earlier in the context of the national monitoring of the physical development of children and adolescents. As a final target (for children graduating from pre-school education), two options are proposed: the first is based on the normative requirements of the school curriculum, the second is the normative requirements of the first level of the Ready for Labor and Defense (GTO) complex. The targets given by the author for an intermediate assessment of the physical fitness of preschool children (from 4 to 6 years old) are very consistent and can be used unconditionally in all pre-school educational institutions. As for the final targets, there are some resolvable contradictions, caused in some cases by inconsistencies in the main regulatory documents of physical education of children: the school program of physical education and the requirements of the GTO complex  .

Keywords: children, preschool age, physical fitness, benchmarks.


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