Updated GTO complex standards for physical fitness of university students
Associate Professor V.G. Korolev1
O.P. Zhoraeva1
1National Research University "Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology", Moscow
Physical fitness of a certain group of the population is the starting point for establishing standards for this part of the population. The article analyzes the updated standards of the VI stage GTO complex for men in the age group from 18 to 24 for compliance with the rules laid down in the concept of the difficulty of their implementation. The physical fitness of students of youths of National Research University "Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology" to fulfill the standards of the VI stage GTO complex was verified.
Based on the analysis, the authors conclude that the updated standards of the GTO complex do not correspond to the physical fitness of modern students. There is no relationship between the standards of the GTO complex and the standards of the EBCA for 2018-2021. by sports.
Test standards for types of the VI stage GTO complex for men are not equivalent in difficulty to their implementation. To eliminate this drawback, physical fitness of Russian university students should be monitored. The results obtained at the GTO complex testing centers do not reflect the objective picture of the physical preparedness of the country's population, since the tests are performed mainly by the most physically prepared people.
Keywords: GTO complex, standards, tests, students, physical fitness.
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