Subjective assessment of freshman physical fitness level in physical education and sports


PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Peshkova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Peshkov1
1Surgut State University, Surgut

Keywords: students, competence in the field of physical culture and sports, subjective assessment of theoretical and physical fitness.

The results of the study actualize the problem of intensification of the educational process taking into account the current level of preparedness of first-year students in the field of Fkis.


  1. Peshkova N. V. To the problem of formation of students ' competences in the sphere of physical culture and sports / N. V. Peshkova, A. A. Peshkov / / Improvement of the system of physical education, sports training, tourism and health improvement of different categories of the population: SB. Matera. XVII vseros. science.- pract. Conf. with international. participation. - Surgut: Surgu, 2018.  Pp. 121-125.