Механизм управления развитием современного студенческого спорта
Dr.Hab., Professor V.P. Sushchenko1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.A. Shchegolev1
R.A. Agaev1
1St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great, St. Petersburg
Having analyzed the modern institutional control mechanism for academic sports system, we found that they should ideally include the communication, strategic visioning and organizational components for success of every management activity. The study analyzes benefits of the frame concept of institutional control mechanism for academic sports system by a factor analysis to find the most relevant success factors for the future sport managers – including the operational thinking and forecasting; all-round professional service fitness; and the legal/ regulatory and economic knowledgebase and skills in the physical education and sport service issues. The above combined factors of influence on the management service efficiency were used to develop the institutional control mechanism for academic sports system for academic sports with its interconnected substructures including the institutional, interactive and forecast ones. New model efficiency tests showed that one of the key success factors for the academic sports managers is how they are knowledgeable and skillful in the applied combat trainings and GTO Complex trainings and tests. It is also important that the institutional control mechanism for academic sports system factor analysis showed the model having a great potential for further improvements.
Keywords: sport training and education practices, frame model, institutional control mechanism for academic sports system .
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