Professional physical education and sport specialist education quality rating tests



PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Kergaard1
Dr.Med., Professor R.B. Tsallagova1
PhD N.V. Dubkova1
Dr.Med. N.A. Zadorozhnaya1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

High-quality academic education compliant with the modern requirements is ranked among the key goals of the national policies due to its implications for the national economy and security. Global research and technological progress and the latest significant political, economic and social transformations in Russia urged the national government to come up with a new national progress strategy with the academic educational system reforms and new professional physical education and sport specialist education quality rating tests.
The study analyzes benefits of the new professional physical education and sport specialist education quality rating tests for the academic Hygienic Basics of Physical Education and Sport Service discipline. Sampled for the study were the third-year undergraduate students (n=100) majoring in 49.03.01 Physical Education at P.F. Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, Saint Petersburg. Each test offers 4 questions that imply the following (1) choice response; (2) compliance response; (3) brief response; (4) essay in response.
The sample scored on average 23.6 points in the new test system versus 27.5 in the traditional verbal exams. The well-designed test scale was found beneficial for the academic progress rating and the physical education and sport specialist education quality improvement purposes.

Keywords: quality tests, academic education, progress scoring system, test system.


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