Powerlifting practices in compensatory fatigue phase to improve shooting accuracy in basketbal
PhD, Associate Professor M.A. Rogozhnikov1
PhD, Professor K.N. Dementiev1
PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Volsky1
A.G. Sergeeva1
1St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, St. Petersburg
Shooting accuracy in basketball is known to be best trained in the compensatory fatigue phase with its progressive growing general fatigue when the athlete is still able to cope with the game intensity for some time by individual adjustments to the movement biomechanics.
Having analyzed the Saint Petersburg academic basketball game statistics available on the official International Basketball Federation FIBA website, we found the teams normally losing the matches when their leaders are injured or foul 5 times and removed from the field, with the other team members being unable to take the lead. We offer the shooting accuracy improving powerlifting tools driven training technology applicable in the compensatory fatigue phase.
Sampled for the new model testing experiment were the Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering student players (n=20) of the both sexes split up into the Reference group and Experimental group of 10 people each with equal (5+5) gender shares.
The tests found the new powerlifting and weight application practices in compensatory fatigue phase being beneficial for the shooting accuracy improvement purposes. The application of the methodology, that includes powerlifting exercises of moderate intensity against the background of compensatory fatigue, along with regular exercises with own weight will more effectively improve the shooting accuracy of basketball players. However, the problem requires a more detailed study.
Keywords: basketball, coordination abilities, throw accuracy, fatigue.
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