Intellectual performance improving integrated physical training algorithm for academic physical education
O.A. Safonova1
Dr.Hab., Professor R.M. Kadyrov1
PhD, Professor K.N. Dementiev1
1St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, St. Petersburg
Our analyses of the relevant theoretical and practical literature, own research findings and health statistics show that many university students and graduates have poor knowledge and skills in the health protection domain and, therefore, are often unhealthy and physically unfit in many aspects including those that are critical for professional service. This situation may be due to the fact that the valid academic physical education and sports and Elective v curricula are seldom if ever customized to the intensity of modern academic studies. Objective of the study was to offer an intellectual performance and physical fitness building integrated physical training algorithm for the academic physical education. The integrated physical training algorithm includes the following four modules: (1) overall endurance training module; (2) speed training module; (3) strength training module; and (4) coordination training module.
Benefits of the new integrated physical training algorithm were tested by an education experiment in 2018-19. Sampled for the experiment were the 1-year students (n-64) split up into Experimental and Reference Groups of 32 people each. Intellectual progress of the sample was tested by the Landolt Rings probe and the standard academic progress rates (average points) per examination session. The physical fitness of the sample was tested in the experiment by the Harvard Step Test (HST) rates.
Keywords: intellectual performance, physical fitness, physical education service, training effect.
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