Pre-season training systems of leading cross-country skiers prior to the 2018 Oolympics and 2019 World Championship
PhD, Professor A.G. Batalov1
PhD M.E. Burdina1
A.S. Danilova1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
The article is devoted to the study of the competitive practice of elite cross-country skiers-winners of the 2018 Olympic Games and the 2019 World Cup. The study analyzes the competitive practice of the three-time Olympic champion 2018, the three-time world champion 2019 Norwegian athlete J. Klebo in the sprint disciplines , as part of the team sprint and relay race, as well as the Russian athlete A. Bolshunov, universal racer, four-time winner of the Olympic Games 2018 and the World Cup 2019. 57 protocols were processed, 1 42 individual competition results. When processing the protocols, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the competitive practice of elite cross-country skiers were studied. The main source of information was the official FIS website.
As a result of the study, the main model characteristics of the competition systems for cross-country skiers were identified that can be used in the design and implementation of training and competition programs in preparation for major international starts.
Keywords: competition practice, competition system, elite cross-country skiers, model characteristics.
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