Young people’s reproductive health: sociological survey



PhD, Associate Professor D.A. Ulyanov1
Dr.Hab., Professor T.G. Kovalenko1
Dr. Biol., Professor A.P. Shklyarenko2
1Volgograd State University, Volgograd
2Kuban State University, Slavyansk-on-Kuban branch

The problems of reproductive health of student youth are considered, an analysis is carried out testifying to the adequate approach of modern youth to planning motherhood and fatherhood, creating a family.
To study knowledge of reproductive health, knowledge of contraception, prevention of bad habits, the authors developed a questionnaire "The level of awareness of students of Volgograd State University in reproductive health" and conducted an anonymous survey of first-year students.
As the results of the study showed, students of Volgograd State University have an idea of the basics of maintaining and strengthening reproductive health, and the majority of respondents are aware of the need to form a value-based attitude to reproductive health.
Based on the study, the authors conclude that it is necessary to carry out targeted socio-pedagogical work to create a responsible attitude of university students to preserve and strengthen reproductive health, introduce into the theoretical course of the work program of the discipline "Physical Culture" (lectures on healthy lifestyles) sections relating to reproductive health of youth.

Keywords: healthy lifestyle, bad habits, youth, reproductive health, reproductive function.


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