Educational and managerial provisions for sportizated physical education in academic elective physical education and sport services


O.V. Kostromin1
A.V. Zaitsev1
I.V. Bobrov1
1St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg

Keywords: sport club, physical education department, sportizated physical education service, elective physical education and sport services.

Background. As provided by the valid third-generation Federal State Higher Education Standards (FSHES), academic Physical Education discipline comprises the key element of the modern academic education curriculum which mission is to secure high physical fitness of the student population as a basis for the future professional and social progress. Labor intensity of the physical education discipline, however, was set at 2 academic record points (equivalent to 72 academic hours) whilst the elective physical education and sport courses are still non-accounted by the academic record points despite their high benefits for the physical, mental and socializing progress. No wonder that students are reluctant to take the elective physical education and sport courses, with the situation being detrimental for their physical fitness [2]. We believe that the situation shall be responded by innovative educational and management mechanisms to advance the academic physical education and sport service and equip students both with sound theoretical physical education and sport competences and practical skills. The sports-prioritizing educational system is considered one of the key potential solutions for the above problematic situation [6].

Objective of the study was to offer new educational and management mechanisms for the sports-prioritizing elective academic physical education and sport service.

Methods and structure of the study. The sports-prioritizing physical education theory and practice rank modern sports among the most important progress tools as they generate a variety of sport-specific values including the high social mobility, success agenda, leadership, adaptability to whatever circumstances and environments – and this is the reason why they are so popular in many student youth subcultures [5, 6].

In the educational and management domains, the sportizated (sports-prioritizing) physical education service at Saint Petersburg Mining University was designed based on the theoretical concepts of V.K. Bal’sevich, L.I. Lubysheva, I.V. Manzheley and others that give a special priority to the kinesiological sport training models with their individualized training goals and the environment-sensitive sporting lifestyle formation concepts for the academic studies and young people’s subcultures [1, 3, 4, 8]. The educational and management provisions for the sports-prioritizing elective academic physical education and sport service may be listed as follows: sport theory centered education; informational provisions for the studies; sport-specific zone trainings; and educational process management – with all of them designed to ensure the system being well planned, controlled and efficient [6].

Academic Physical Education Department and sport club are viewed as the independent system elements operating as required by their statutory policies, missions and goals. Generally, the Physical Education Department mission is to secure a high-quality academic physical education service; whilst the academic sport club core mission is to select prospect and encourage progress of the academic athletic elite. The Physical Education Department faculty traditionally assists the sport clubs in the specific elite sports, with the sport club manager and the key management staff normally combining the club work with the academic physical education and sport service. Thus two formally independent physical education service providers may be viewed as an integrated entity (partnership) driven by the same mission [7]. The same visions and policies of the university/ Physical Education Department/ sport club management free of serious contradictions facilitate progress of the sport-prioritizing services on the whole and the elective physical education service in particular by putting the latter on an innovative project basis, with the physical education and sport projects supervised and coordinated by a Physical Education Department Board.

The Physical Education Department Board terms of reference may be classified into the following three groups: Physical Education Department educational policies and practices; sport club progress in the sport excellence service domain; and the mass student sport facilitating joint projects in the sportizated physical education domain. Thus, the modern mass student sports development policies allow the university form both off-class and class-time elective sport groups. It should be mentioned in this context that the sportizated physical education service is efficiently designed and managed at the university by the Physical Education Department and sport club partnership, with the latter playing the key role in the process [2].

The modern academic elective physical education and sport service is evolving in the following two fields: (1) Competitions-free trainings in the main academic groups managed as required by the traditional body conditioning modular curriculum; and (2) Sportizated physical education service under the elective academic physical education and sport disciplines, with the sport groups trained as required by the sport-specific training programs.

Results and discussion. The project studied herein was designed to analyze benefits of the following two education and management models for the sportizated physical education service: Model 1 used the relevant physical and functional progress test rates for analysis of the project benefits; and Model 2 made an emphasis on the student’s interest to the sportizated physical education rated mostly by their direct contributions to the project plus the annual rotation rates reported by the traditional body conditioning / sport groups.

The study data and analysis found progress of both sport groups and traditional body conditioning groups as verified by the student’s physical fitness tests, adaptation resource tests and regular academic progress tests plus the extra/ optional GTO Complex Class VI tests. It should be emphasized that the annual transitions from the sport groups to traditional body conditioning groups were reported to vary under 9% versus the 31% outflow from the traditional body conditioning groups.

Conclusion. The new efficient education and management model for the sportizated academic physical education service was tested beneficial for progress of the Physical Education Department and sport club partnership as verified by the significant growth of the students’ physicality and functionality test rates and the academic progress rates to meet the requirements of the valid Federal State Higher Education Standards.


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The education and management provisions for the sportizated (sport-prioritizing) physical education service at Saint Petersburg Mining University were developed based on the theoretical concepts of V.K. Bal’sevich, L.I. Lubysheva, I.V. Manzheley and others that give a special priority to the kinesiological sport training models with their individualized training goals and the environment-sensitive sporting lifestyle formation concepts for the modern academic studies and young people’s subcultures. The study by the Saint Petersburg Mining University team was designed to contribute to the educational and managerial provisions for the sportizated physical education in the academic elective physical education and sport service and test a Physical Education Department and sport club partnership model by an experiment. The experiment showed benefits of the model as verified by progress of the sample in the physical and functional fitness rates and, hence, growth of the physical education and sport service quality to least meet requirements of the valid Federal State Higher Education Standards.