World class routine design model for competitive freestyle cheerleading



PhD, Associate Professor K.B. Ansreasyan
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Competitive cheerleading may be defined as the acyclic high-coordination-intensive sport discipline with its special physical exercises and elements performed with pompons and with rhythmic musical illustrations governed by certain rules, with cheers and chants. It should be mentioned that the competitive cheerleading is still theoretically underexplored despite its growing popularity. The study analyzes the progress and trends in the modern competitive freestyle cheerleading routines to offer model specifications that may be applied to design and control the training process in this sport discipline and develop highly competitive routines for the top-ranking events. The study found the splits and swings being the least popular in the modern routines and the pirouettes and fouettes being the most popular ones. Leaps were tested to ideally average 6 per about 6s, with the perfect timing due to high performance speed; with the same trend found for the cheer-leaps. The speed and number of rearrangements were found the highest in the champion teams which demonstrate the highest speed and techniques for the short routine time with perfect rearrangements, highly versatile and complicated elements and connections. The study data and analysis showed that the modern competitive freestyle cheerleading routines are composed of rearrangements, leaping pirouettes, floor choreographic elements, cheer leaps, swings, harmonized tumbles and splits.

Keywords: competitive freestyle cheerleading, competitive routine, model specifications .


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