Performance mobilizing mental control mechanisms in sports
Dr.Hab., Professor Yu.V. Baykovsky1
Dr.Biol., Professor N.G. Samoylov2
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Aleshicheva2
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
2Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov, Ryazan
Mental health is considered one of the key factors for the athletic personality progress supported by the relevant motivations, values, ethical and spiritual priorities etc. The study analyzes the performance mobilizing mental control mechanisms in sports. It was assumed that these mechanisms comprise an indispensable part of the individual behavior control system. The study found that the ethical and spiritual values and priorities may be considered a core element of an athletic personality of special importance for the performance mobilizing when required by the sport-specific extreme situations. The individual ethical and spiritual resource was found to catalyze performance under pressure and improve the stress tolerance. The study found correlations of the values and priorities in their synergy with anticipation qualities and analyzed the sport-specific benefits of the generally negative personality qualities (like depression, anxiety, frustration etc.) in the situations when the individual psychophysical resource needs to be mobilized to take the risks. Based on the study data, we offer a fortitude building concept, with the fortitude viewed as a sort of ‘organ’ or separate system to mobilize the spiritual and ethical personality values and priorities for success under pressure. Fortitude was found correlated with the individual willpower, with their synergy helping overcome the personality contradictions with their ‘internal intellectual background’. On the whole, the individual ethical and spiritual values and priorities with their conscientious energizing aspects were classified as the uplifting and inspiring power of special effect on the volitional control in sports.
Keywords: performance mobilizing mental control mechanism, extreme situations, ethical and spiritual resource, willpower, fortitude.
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