Motivations for physical activity and their contribution to adolescent adaptive psychophysiological potentia
PhD, Associate Professor O.L. Tarasova1
Dr.Biol., Professor E.M. Kazin1
Postgraduate L.N. Skotnikova1
Dr.Med., Professor L.N. Igisheva2
N.V. Igishev3
1Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo
2Research Institute for Complex Problems of Cardiovascular Diseases, Kemerovo
3Football Club KUZBASS, Kemerovo
For the last few years the national science has provided sound grounds for the ontokinesiological concept for physical activity improvement initiatives in top priority in the modern school health programs. The study was intended to explore the physical activity customizing resource by analysis of the age-specific psychophysical qualities, cardio-respiratory system functionality resource and physical fitness. Sampled for the study were 302 adolescents whose physical activity and physical education motivations were profiled by a questionnaire survey form making a special emphasis on the health service by the educational system; plus the sample was tested for neuro-dynamic qualities including the short-term memorizing skills, memory scope and temperament rated by V. Rusalov Test; individual mental qualities rated by the Cattel’s 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire; anxiety rated by the A. Prikhozhan method; aggressiveness by A. Bass and A. Darki test; cardio-respiratory system functionality reserve by the Stange-Gench Breath-Holding Test and Ruffier-Dickson index; and for strength, endurance, speed, dexterity and flexibility by the standard school tests.
The study found the physical activity motivations being gender- and age-specific, and correlated with the short-term memorizing, visual motor response, temperament, character, functionality test rates and many physical qualities; and, therefore, the physical activity motivations may be considered an indispensable component of an individual psychophysical resource shaped up largely by the relevant social and biological factors.
Keywords: adolescents, motivations for physical activity, psychophysiological qualities, functionality resource, physical fitness.
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