Untraditional pre-season physical training model for 10-12 year-old ballroom dancers


Postgraduate student A.P. Rodichkin1
Dr.Hab., Professor G.N. Ponomarev1
1Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St.Petersburg

Key mission of a precompetitive training system is to ensure the individual best sport form by the time of the core competitive event. Modern ballroom dance sport gives a special priority to physical fitness of the competitors, with the physical progress of the beginner dancers secured by special physical training practices. The special physical training practices are generally designed to mimic as close as possible the competitive environment and performance plus attain some specific goals, e.g. excel the dancing techniques, improve endurance, build up the mental control skills and willpower for success in competitions. Objective of the study was to assess benefits of the untraditional precompetitive physical training model for 10-12 year-old ballroom dancers. The model makes a special emphasis on the mental conditioning components of the trainings to encourage the high dancing activity, vigor, motivations and self-confidence, regardless of the dance technicalities.

Keywords: ballroom dance sport, special physical training practices, competitive period, functionality test rates.


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