Effectiveness of competitive performance of basketball team
PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Kudryashov
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm
As is commonly known, the quality of athletes' performance at competitions depends on a great number of factors of a multifaceted training process. It is especially difficult to take into account these patterns in team sports due to a large number of direct participants in the process, and with the rapidly changing conditions of competitive activity, as well as many other factors. This has become a key basis for determining the direction of research. The article suggests the athletes' competitive performance assessment methodology based on the basketball statistics software. The study involved 85 athletes qualified for the third sports category to candidate master of sports. Based on the results of the study, the author concluded that the developed method of statistical processing of technical and tactical actions of female basketball players allows to identify the cons in the level of various aspects of fitness and to make appropriate adjustments to the training process. Available statistic information about game performance contributes to the team players' objective perception of managerial decisions of the coach, as well as their more conscious attitude to the results of the performance of the whole team.
Keywords: competitive activity, basketball, efficiency, team, basketball statistics software.
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