Water rescue course for Ministry of Internal Affairs’ police academies
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Tretyakov1
PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Drogomeretsky1
M.S. Filatov1
M.S. Koreneva1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
The physical education service at the police academies is designed to give cadets good knowledge and practical service-specific skills (running, buildings storming, obstacle runs, forced detention etc.) in the regular and self-reliant off-class trainings. The article analyzes benefits a new water rescue course for the police academies under the Ministry of Internal Affairs; provides a theoretical basis and considers the demand for the course; and describes the new course design and content. Theoretical knowledgebase and practical skills of the cadets were probed by a questionnaire survey and tests. The proposed water rescue course was found beneficial as verified by the sample progress in the knowledge and practical skills. The water rescue course was tested to effectively complement the valid training curricula of the police academies under the Ministry of Internal Affairs to facilitate the service missions and improve the personnel safety standards.
Keywords: cadets, physical training, service-specific swimming skills, water rescue, swimming.
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