Human-values-centered athletic discipline cultivating concept


Dr.Hab., Professor R.A. Rogozhnikova1, 2
PhD, Professor G.B. Belova1
Adjunct S.V. Stenin2
Adjunct I.I. Ikhtisanov2
1Perm Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Perm
2Perm Military Institute of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, Perm

The study proceeds from the assumption that the individual athletic discipline cultivating related issues shall be given a growing priority by the sport communities with the growing sensitivity to individuality in the society in general. The article analyzes the ways to improve the athletic discipline cultivating standard on human-values-sensitive provisions. It is proposed to revise the teachers’ training process to make them fit for the athletic discipline breeding service in the following aspects: didactic skills, interpersonal communication and teacher’s personality progress. Each of the components will secure the relevant professional knowledge and skills, professional determination and the key personality psychological qualities – to ensure success of the athletic discipline cultivating service on an integrated basis. The article analyzes the key elements of the athletic discipline breeding service as follow: didactic activity; teacher’s competence in the discipline related fields; professional skills; values, personality credentials, interpersonal communication skills, and the progress test competencies. The human-values-driven athletic discipline cultivating service may be successful only when provided by a highly competent teacher/ trainer.

Keywords: athlete’s personality, discipline, values-driven service, discipline cultivating service .


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