Socializing aspects of modern dance sport


Professor V.A. Sheregova1
PhD, Associate Professor Sh.F. Farakhutdinov2
PhD, Associate Professor O.V. Ustinova2
1Tyumen State Institute of Culture, Tyumen
2Tyumen Industrial University, Tyumen

The notion of socialization is being increasingly used by the modern social sciences to define the individual acceptance of the common social rules and norms critical for success in society. Objective of the study was to analyze the socializing aspects of modern dance sport by an expert questionnaire survey. Invited to the expert team were the leading trainers and referees from the Dance Sport Federation of Tyumen Oblast, with the questionnaire survey run using the Survey Monkey website and emails, on informed consent of every expert. On the whole, we received filled-in questionnaire forms from 56 experts out of 76 (74% of the total) and, hence, the survey data may be qualified valid and informative. As demonstrated by the survey, the socializing aspects of modern dance sport are generally age-specific. Despite the fact that the age groups are not always definite enough, their identification helps understand the key trends and stage-specific issues and problems. We would prioritize the following two ways for the trainers to mobilize the socializing aspects of dance sport: (1) education psychology driven approach that makes an emphasis on the individualized communication, understanding and cooperation; and (2) process management approach geared to find the best training models for success. Thus the teamwork and couple trainings are known to cement people, build up the team spirit and effectively prevent the human resource outflows from the teams. The above approaches are recommended being prudently combined in every stage of the socializing process.

Keywords: dance sport, socializing, physiological specifics, emotional burnout, educational mastery.


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