Elite female mas-wrestlers’ anthropometrical and functionality characteristics
Y.Yu. Zakharova1
PhD V.G. Starostin1
A.Yu. Petrova1
1North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, Yakutsk
Modern mas-wrestling sport attracts growing numbers of female wrestlers. The study run at the IPCS’ Research and Education Center for Olympic and National Sports at North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov was designed to obtain and analyze the elite women mas-wrestlers’ anthropometrical and functionality characteristics. Sampled for the study were the 21-43 year old Russia’s female MS team members (n=6) in the pre-season (prior to the World Championship) training period.
We applied the Anthropologic Research Institute method (V.V. Bunak, 1941) to obtain anthropometrical characteristics under the study; the J. Matiegka formula to rate the bone/ fat/ muscle masses; the Rees–Eysenck indices for somatic typing procedure as recommended by B.A. Nikityuk, N.A. Kornetov; plus the functionality rating methods. The study found the mesomorphic and dolichomorphic body types being the most beneficial for progress in the female mas-wrestlers. It was assumed that multiannual hard mas-wrestling practices develop the sport-specific body type characterized by some alleviation of the natural dimorphic variations and a slight andromorphism.
Keywords: mas-wrestling, women’s sport, anthropometrical characteristics, somatotype, indices.
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