Advanced application physical education model for engineering susu students
V.S. Leshukov1
Yu.A. Yarushev1
Associate Professor, PhD I.V. Izarovskaya1
E.N. Sumak1
1South Ural State University (National Research University), Chelyabinsk
The article analyzes the key benefits of an advanced application (service-specific) physical education model for engineering students that makes a special emphasis on the future job-specific requirements and physical fitness in the academic physical education process. Objective of the present study was to overview deficiencies of the traditional reproductive academic physical education curriculum that seldom if any takes into account future service-specific needs, standards and requirements and, hence, largely fails to secure the desired physical fitness for vocational service with the necessary adaptability to the rapidly changing professional environments and challenges. This was the reason for us to make the attempt to complement the valid academic professional physical education curriculum for engineering students. Sampled for the study were the 17-20 year old South Ural State University students (n=223) of engineering specialties. The study gives a few milestones for the service-specific academic physical education system focused on the physical, professional, theoretical and practical fitness for the future vocational engineering service. The Experimental Group was tested with the higher knowledge and skills in the service-specific application physical education versus the Reference Group and demonstrated high professional determination with ability to generate versatile solutions for productive and creative vocational service.
Keywords: students, physical training, physical activity, applicability, physical education.
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