Multimedia technologies to facilitate precise self-defense skills mastering process
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Germanova1
PhD, Associate Professor M.A. Rogozhnikov2
O.A. Safonova3
PhD, Professor K.N. Dementiev4
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
2Saint Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg
3Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, St. Petersburg
4St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, St. Petersburg
Keywords: multimedia technologies, motor skills, weaponless self-defense, RPCS "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO) Complex, physical education.
Background. As required by the Physical Education and Sport Sector Development Strategy of the Russian Federation and National Physical Education and Sport Sector Development Program for the period up to 2020, the share of the national population engaged in systemic physical education and sport activity shall come to at least 80% of the total by that time. The key role in the efforts to attain this objective is expected to be played by the innovative physical education and sport technologies that may be used, among other things, to improve the standard academic physical education and sport service and effectively contribute to the physical progress and health agenda in the student communities [1, 4-6]. Thus the modern GTO Complex tests in the Weaponless Self-defense department require the qualifiers being highly fit for the tests versus the relevant standards. The better is the technical skill the higher is the test result.
Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of the modern multimedia/ video technologies to facilitate self-defense skills mastering process in the academic physical education system.
Methods and structure of the study. The high-coordination self-defense skills mastering model with application of modern multimedia/ video tools was tested by an educational experiment in March through May 2018. Sampled for the training model testing experiment were the students of Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering and Saint Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee of Russian Federation (n=100) split up into Experimental and Reference Groups of 50 people each, with the Reference Group trained under traditional academic physical education curriculum and Experimental Group trained as required by the new high-coordination self-defense skills mastering model with application of modern multimedia/ video tools. Practical trainings in the EG were preceded by a detailed videos featuring the Weaponless Self-defense basics for the age-group-specific (18-29 year old group) GTO Complex Class 6 tests plus the relevant warm-up and body conditioning exercises. The practical execution of the techniques analyzed in the videos was supported by the doctor’s recommendations and assisted by the trainer. The trainees’ progress was tested and scored by an expert team in the following tests: (1) assisted safe fall tests with the trainees demonstrating their safety skills in the back/ front/ side rolls; and (2) counterattack skills test with responses to the attempted uppercut, jab and knee kick to the abdomen.
The trainees were coupled at the beginning of the experimental trainings by the gender, body length and weight albeit later on with progress the coupling rules were eased with the couples formed as required by the trainer. The test attacks were executed by an assistant (from among the trainees) as follows: (1) uppercut countered by the forearm/ elbow followed by an outside arm lock; (2) jab to the head countered by the relevant forearm followed by an inside arm lock with the attacker’s arm locked behind the back; and (3) the knee kick to the abdomen countered by hands and followed by an outside leg grip and trip.
The trainees’ skills in the Weaponless Self-defense department of the GTO Complex tests were scored by the expert team on a 10-point scale as follows; 0 – failed execution with at least ten body elements uncoordinated in the movement sequence; 1 – failed execution with nine body elements uncoordinated in the movement sequence; 2 – erroneous execution with eight body elements uncoordinated in the movement sequence; 3 – erroneous execution with seven body elements uncoordinated in the movement sequence; 4 – erroneous execution with six body elements uncoordinated in the movement sequence; 5 – unsatisfactory execution with five body elements uncoordinated in the movement sequence; 6 – acceptable execution with four body elements still unduly coordinated in the movement sequence; 7 – technically acceptable execution with three body elements still uncoordinated in the movement sequence; 8 – technical errors free execution with two body elements still imperfectly coordinated in the movement sequence; 9 – technically perfect execution with one body element still imperfectly coordinated in the movement sequence; and 10 – technically perfect execution, with each body element highly coordinated in the movement sequence [2, 3].
Results and discussion. The pre- versus post-experimental tests showed progress of the EG on the whole, with 2 RG trainees tested with progress as well: see Table 1 hereunder.
Table 1. Pre- versus post-experimental tests of the EG and RG in the Weaponless Self-defense GTO Complex tests (n=100), points
Test |
RG |
EG |
Pre-exp. |
Post-exp. |
Pre-exp. |
Post-exp. |
Safe fall test: back roll |
3,96±0,25 |
4,13±0,27 |
3,92±0,24 |
4,76±0,21 (*) |
Safe fall test: front roll |
3,84±0,2 |
3,94±0,21 |
3,76±0,27 |
4,56±0,2 (*) |
Safe fall test: side roll |
3,64±0,19 |
4,84±0,21(*) |
3,66±0,2 |
4,42±0,25 (*) |
Uppercut countering |
3,16±0,14 |
3,7±0,18 (*) |
3,28±0,15 |
3,78±0,18 (*) |
Jab countering |
3,24±0,18 |
3,78±0,18 |
3,1±0,15 |
4±0,24 (*) |
Knee kick countering |
2,86±0,17 |
3,12±0,17 |
2,98±0,17 |
3,54±0,21 (*) |
Note: * р<0.0.
The EG was tested with progress in every high-coordination-intensive tests as verified by the following post-experimental test points: (a) safe fall tests (4,76±0,21; 4,56±0,2; 4,42±0,25); and (b) punch countering tests (3,78±0,18; 4±0,24; 3,54±0,21). The RG was also tested with progress in the safe fall side roll test (4,84±0,21) and uppercut countering test (3,7±0,18).
Conclusion. The new high-coordination self-defense skills mastering model with application of modern multimedia/ video tools designed to help students succeed in the Weaponless Self-defense GTO Complex tests was tested beneficial and may be recommended for the academic physical education and sport system.
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The study analyzes benefits of the modern multimedia technologies to facilitate precise self-defense skills mastering process in academic physical education system based on findings of the new training model testing experiment. The training model was designed to help master high-coordination self-defense skills in trainings for the Physical Culture and Sport "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO) Complex 6 (18-29 age groups) tests in the academic physical education process. The trainees’ progress was tested and rated by an expert team in the assisted safe fall test and counterattack test. Sampled for the training model testing experiment were the students of Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering and Saint Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee of Russian Federation (n=100) split up into Experimental and Reference Groups of 50 people each, with the Reference Group trained under traditional academic physical education curriculum and Experimental Group trained as required by the new high-coordination self-defense skills mastering model with application of modern multimedia/ video tools.