port technology adapting and implementing algorithm customizable to operational environment
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2019
PhD S.V. Mukhaev1
Dr.Hab., Professor L.A. Semenov2
1Basketball club "Yenisei", Krasnoyarsk
2Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut
Objective of any sport is arguably to secure the best possible competitive accomplishments and wins in the top ranking competitions. It is logical in this context to believe that every athlete’s dream is to make a world record and, hence, train harder than anybody else before to make the dream come true. The article offers a sport technology adapting and implementing algorithm customizable to the operational environments. We used the conversion logics and principles developed in our prior studies to lay a theoretical and practical basis for this algorithm – that may be defined as the technology adapting and implementation procedure detailed down to every action – to secure the algorithm being effectively customized to the target operational environment, with the sequence of actions dictated by the adaptive transformations.
The proposed technology adaptation and implementation steps in the new algorithm are the following: (1) find problems in the traditional training system; (2) find solutions and technologies to decisively improve the training process efficiency; (3) classify the convertible technologies; (4) identify the window of opportunity for harmonizing the traditional and new technologies; (5) correct or adapt the key training tools; and (6) secure evolution of the training process design and contents.
The new algorithm makes it possible to both effectively integrate modern sport technologies into the relevant operational environments (elite sports; children and youth junior sports, sportizated physical education etc.) and design new sport technologies with contributions from the existing ones.
Keywords: sport technologies, adapting and implementing algorithm, technological mechanism, elite sports, children and youth sports, sportizated physical education.
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