Socio-psychological adaptation upon retirement from professional sports
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2019
PhD, Associate Professor O.P. Kokoulina1
PhD, Associate Professor V.A. Ivanov1
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Lubyshev1
T.V. Buyanova1
S.B. Mavrina1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
Sport career may be considered a long-term hard work for ascendance to the sport elite and competitive accomplishments, with the permanent excellence of the professional athletic competencies and skills. The article analyzes a sport career on the whole with the typical errors upon retirement from sports. Many studies have touched upon the adaptation process disorders in this period, including a deep frustration, neurotic reactions, fears, anger, disappointment, disbeliefs and many other mental issues that constitute a typical post-retirement crisis. The article makes a special emphasis on the ways to rehabilitate the retired athletes in critical conditions and help them effectively adapt to the common life upon retirement from professional sports. It is concluded that the following is required for success of the post-retirement socio-psychological adaptation process: (1) due adaptation facilitation mechanisms need to be developed and updated in the national sport system based on comprehensive analyses of the factors of influence on the post-retirement adaptation process; (2) progress of the post-retirement adaptation to new environment shall be tested using a set of the progress rating criteria/ markers; and (3) target educational and managerial support shall be provided by the relevant professional communities for success of the post-retirement adaptation process.
Keywords: professional sport career, socio-psychological adaptation, trainings, elite athletes, retirement from sports.
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