Correlation between personality reflection and socio-psychological maturity in academic athletes
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2019
PhD, Associate Professor O.I. Kayasheva1, 2
Dr.Sc.Psych., Professor Z.G. Khanova3
PhD, Associate Professor N.N. Kazieva4
R.I. Pogorova5
1Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow
2Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow
3Moscow University of Industry and Finance "Synergy", Moscow
4Dagestan State University, Makhachkala
5Ingush State University, Magas
Reflection is given a special priority in the educational process, with the personality reflection as one of its key components ranked among the self-analyzing tool to effectively overview the own mentality and progress and facilitate the socio-psychological maturing process. The study offers the personality reflection model for academic athletes, with reflection viewed as the complex psychological phenomenon to help shape up the physical Self image and consolidate, differentiate and build up the own self via friendly communication in the reference sport groups. Academic athletes were mostly tested with more positive self-rates of the own look and physical fitness than their unsporting peers. Some negativism in the sporting group was mostly due to the physical disorders resulting from sport injuries, overtraining and stressful attempts to effectively combine studies with work and sports. The unsporting student group was tested with more negative self-rates of the own look. The study makes a special emphasis on benefits of the personality reflection with self-analyzes of the own mentality and progress to facilitate the socio-psychological maturing process – as verified by the meaningful correlations between the personality reflection and socio-psychological maturity in academic athletes rated by the self-control, time control, cognitive needs and impulsivity indices.
Keywords: personality reflection, physical Self image, socio-psychological maturity, sport activity.
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