Rhythmic gymnastics in china: progress analysis
Postgraduate Peng Tsun
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
The study analyses the progress and growing popularity of rhythmic gymnastics in China; accomplishments of the provincial leaders; education framework for this discipline; and its further progress avenues. Presently China ranks rhythmic gymnastics as high as favorite table tennis, track and field and weightlifting sports. China has established dozens of physical education and sports (PES) institutes and schools to train PES service specialists, coaches, instructors and referees. The national government actively supports rhythmic gymnastics all over the country; promotes leading provincial coaches and athletes by fellowships in foreign agencies and clubs; and contracts coaches and choreographers from Russia and Belorussia to benefit from their experiences and special training systems. The notable recent progress in this sport discipline is regretfully associated with some drawbacks in the training systems manifested in the backlogs in choreographic mastery, unstable performance with apparatuses and still low difficulty levels of the routines. Having summarized the recent progress of rhythmic gymnastics in China, we are optimistic about the future national accomplishments conditional on the further persistent governmental support for the PES service specialists, coaches, athletes, instructors and referees by the training and advancement/ excellence programs.
Keywords: rhythmic gymnastics, China, progress record, competitive accomplishments, leading gymnasts, provincial rhythmic gymnastics.
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