Foot deformation viewed as physical education issue
Master's student L.V. Shvetsova1, 2
1Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
The study analyses issues of the gifted 6-12 year-olds selection for sport groups based on jump/ run tests – that are considered problematic for this age group and need to be strictly classified due to the age-specific plantographic (footprint) standards; and considers origins of the situation and potential solutions. For the study purposes, we tested in the period of 2016-17 6-12 year-old prospects (n=1000+) for sport groups and active athletes of this age group to obtain their anthropometrics, physical test and the plantographic and stabilometric test data complemented by a questioning survey of the children and their families.
The study data and analyses give reasons to believe that the problematic age-specific musculoskeletal system formation situation need to be addressed by the joint efforts of the school tutors and families, with the situation tested on a regular (once in six months) footprint tests; and with the families given the basic information on the issue by the relevant trainings and workshops. The relevant foot formation and musculoskeletal system disorder prevention exercises shall be included in the morning gymnastics by kindergartens and school PE programs.
Keywords: sport selection, children, musculoskeletal system, formation, standards, tests.
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